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Mori Hamada & Matsumoto, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto LPC

In accordance with the Rules Concerning Verification of Client Identity and Retention of Records established by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, attorneys are obligated to verify a client’s identity when accepting certain types of new cases.

Please also refer to the “Client Identification Verification” page on the website of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (some of the information is only available in Japanese):

Therefore, the firm will carry out the following procedures to verify the identity of all individual and corporate clients.

In the case of an individual:
Verification by the client’s submission of a copy of an official document detailing the client’s name, address and date of birth (e.g., driver’s license, passport, pension book or alien registration card). We will also request the client to provide any information or documents to verify the purpose of the requested matter and the client’s occupation.

In the case of a corporation:
Verification of the corporation’s trade name and location of the head office (or the location of the principal office) and a business card or copy of an official document verifying the name and title of the person in charge of the matter for the client. We will also request the client to provide any information or documents to verify the purpose of the requested matter, the details of business, and identification matters (name, address and date of birth) of the person who substantially controls the corporation.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.