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June 30, 2021


Important Notice: Beware of fraud involving misrepresentation of the firm or impersonation of the firm's lawyers or staff

We have confirmed instances of sending of notices related to infringement of rights that involve misrepresentation of the firm. The firm is not involved in any of these instances.

If you receive any unexpected contact from a person who claims to represent Mori Hamada & Matsumoto or claims to be one of the firm's lawyers or staff members, please refrain from offering any prompt response, and adequately verify the identification of that person. Also, please contact the firm using the following contact details to share that information with us. Your assistance is appreciated.

Mori Hamada & Matsumoto
Tel: +81-3-5220-1800 (General Inquiries) (9:00-17:00)

Inquiries about Notices

Please use the contact form below to make inquiries about legal representation.
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