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October 21, 2014

Public Interest

Firm's lawyers prepare an English version of the report on the proposed revisions to the Myanmar Companies Act

In Myanmar, activities to revise that country's Companies Act are currently under way, and the JICA Legal and Judicial Development Assistance Project is assisting those revision activities. Some of the firm's lawyers (listed below) prepared an English version of the section regarding the proposed revisions to the Myanmar Companies Act, which was included in the 2013 report on the study commissioned by the Ministry of Justice that was prepared and submitted by the firm as a part of cooperation in the Project. MHM lawyers involved: Takeshi Mukawa; Takeshi Komatsu; Satoshi Nakamura; Kana Manabe; Tomohiro Bundo; Aki Tanaka; Naoto Shimamura; and Reina Fujita.

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